I currently get about a hour or two hour break in the morning when the baby boy takes his nap during which I catch up on Podcasts & try to get something on my list for the week done. Today I was listening to the pod from Family Locket : Research Like a Pro episode 68 from Oct 28 2019 (we were just freshly home from having the boy when this came out so I'm catching up!) where they interview Dana Leeds about the Leeds Method of color clustering DNA matches. I haven't had a chance to try the Leeds Method but I think I get what it does. So when Ms Leeds mentioned Evert-Jan Blom's Genetic Affairs Auto Cluster (record scratch sound effect) I abandoned my plan for nap time & went on a Google search hunt. The TL;DR At some point Blom partnered with MyHeritage, while Ancestry sent a cease and desist. I ended up at the MyHeritage DNA Tools section & ta dah! ...
A family history blog by genealogist Melissa (Flattery) Donahoe (BU OL19 2015) knitter, zone 7b gardener, mom, higher ed accountant. Views my own. #GenealogyForAll Genealogy Twitter: @Lissity